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Benefits of Kangen Water

Before finding details about Benefits of Kangen Water, we should know what is Kangen water?

Kangen Water® is delicious water created from Enagic's innovative water technology. Not only do these devices filter your tap water, but they also produce ionized alkaline and acidic waters through electrolysis. These waters can be used for various purposes, including drinking, cooking, beauty, and cleaning.
Kangen Water Benefits

Strong Kangen Water  pH 11.5

Not for drinking. Strong Kangen Water preserves hygiene in your daily life due to its strong cleaning effect. It has dissolving and heat conducting benefits. Usage: food preparation and cleaning.

Food preparation
Remove rawness from vegetables such as green onions, bamboo, wasabi and flowering fern with Strong Kangen Water®.

Clean cutting boards and dishcloths. Good for cleaning oil and tough grime from vents, as well as for general cleaning in the kitchen.

Stain removal
The extra strength, absorption power, will remove coffee, soy sauce, and oil stains with ease. Also great for getting out stubborn toilet bowl stains.

Use less detergent when washing your dishes. Save on water bills, as only one-third to one-fourth of the usual amount of water is adequate for rinsing off detergent.

Benefits of Kangen Water

Kangen Water®  pH 8.5-9.5

This type of water is perfect for drinking and healthy cooking. This electrolytically-reduced, hydrogen-rich water works to restore your body to a more alkaline state, which is optimal for good health. Usage: drinking, food preparation, coffee and tea, soups and stews, and watering plants.

Kangen Water® is also friendly to your budget and to the Environment. Forget about buying and storing all those expensive plastic water bottles!

Drink Kangen Water® throughout the day. Unlike tap water, Kangen Water® has no unpleasant odor, tastes lighter, and has a pleasantly sweet flavor.

Food preparation
Clean vegetables and fish. Enhance the flavor of broccoli, onions, bamboo etc. by pre-boiling them in Kangen Water®. Use less condiments and salt.

Coffee & tea
You'll be surprised at the wonderful color, taste, and aroma of coffee or tea prepared with Kangen Water®. You can also use less coffee or tea and still achieve a full rich taste due to the water's extractable ability.

Soups & stews
Kangen Water® draws out the flavor of ingredients so they get tender and juicy. Therefore, food doesn't need as much seasoning, and excess salt can be avoided.

Kangen Water® may give freshness and life to plants. The water stimulates germination and improves seedling development.

Clean Water  pH 7

Free of chlorine, rust and cloudiness. Neutral water is delicious drinking water. Usage: preparing baby food, taking medication.

Baby food
Use water pH 7.0 when preparing baby food.

Neutral water is delicious drinking water that is easily absorbed by your body. Take your medicine with this water.

Beauty Water  pH 4.0-6.0

Not for drinking. This slightly acidic water is recognized for its astringent effects. It's terrific to use for gentle cleaning and beauty care. Usage: face wash, hair care, pet care, polishing, cleaning, and preserving frozen food.

Face wash
The astringent properties of Acidic water are effective in toning and firming your skin. Pat the skin and leave to dry. This water is also excellent as a toner after shaving.

Hair care
Use this water instead of conditioner after shampooing. Reduces annoying tangles and brings out a radiant shine. Keep in a spray bottle and spray your hair and face when you're out and about.

Pet care
Spray your pet with this water and brush afterwards to obtain soft and shiny fur.

Polish mirrors, eyeglasses, glass objects, and windows to a high sheen.

Remove dirt from hardwood floors, ceramic tiles etc. without leaving a sticky residue.

Frozen food
Spray foods with Acidic Water when freezing so that the food, including fish and shrimp, do not lose its flavor when thawed out.

Strong Acidic Water  pH 2.5

Not for drinking. This water has disinfecting properties. Use Strong Acidic Water to sanitize kitchen utensils, countertops, and more to prevent cross-contamination. Usages: cleaning and disinfecting, hygiene, and commercial operation.

Cleaning & disinfecting
Sanitize knives, cutting boards, dish towels, and kitchen cloths etc. Clean and disinfect in and around the kitchen, which is a breeding ground for germs.

Disinfect your hands, your toothbrush or as mouth wash. Keep a spray bottle in your bathroom for easy access.

Commercial operation
Beauty salons, hair salons, restaurants, agricultural colleges, daycare centers, pet shops, and nursing homes all benefit greatly from the use of Strong Acidic Water.

Alkaline Water Benefits

Benefits of Kangen Water

Hydration and Drinkability

Ionized alkaline water is an excellent source of healthful hydration because not only does it taste better with a superior mouth-feel, it is more readily absorbed by the body. This increases the "drinkability" of water by reducing the usual feeling of being "bloated" from drinking the recommended daily allowance of 8 glasses per day. In side-by-side tests, most people can taste the difference!

Micro Clustering

Preliminary studies have evidenced a phenomenon identified as "micro clustering" which refers to the exceptionally small "structured" molecules of alkaline water. Numerous benefits have been associated with this phenomenon.

Free Radical Scavenging

Ionized alkaline water supports the wellness of bodily organs while promoting the health of those same organs. Part of the reason for these benefits is that ionized alkaline water has been demonstrated to be an anti-oxidant free radical scavenger.

Encouraging Longevity

Scientifically recognized benefits of water include the support of wellness and longevity. The natural benefits of water are encouraged and enhanced by alkalinity. Alkalinity is the state in which water is most harmonious with its physiological wellness benefits.


Water is the universal solvent that our bodies rely on for flushing toxins and waste products from the body. With its negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP) and great taste, you can count on ionized alkaline water such as Kangen Water® to aid in the neutralization of free radicals and address all of your body's hydration needs.

Acidic Water – Benefits

Toxic-free Cleaning

A number of manufacturers build industrial multi=purpose cleaning machines (floor cleaners, etc.) that use only strong acidic water as the cleaning agent. Similarly, swimming pool systems are migrating from harsh chlorine systems to ionizing acidic water systems to keep pools clean.

Personal Hygiene

Acidic water—referred to in Asia as "Beauty Water"— is an effective external cleaning agent for use in personal hygiene (external cleansing and bathing, etc.)

Environmentally Green

One of the reasons acidic water is being adopted by institutions as diverse as hospitals and custodial services is that acidic water is non-polluting. Introduced into the environment, acidic water rapidly returns to its resting pH state. Acidic water is naturally free of phosphates and other pollutants that risk our environment and the future of our world.

Question arises

How to Order Kangen Water Machine?